How to open command line in any directory/folder on windows

How to open command line in any directory/folder on windows

Many times we need to open command line in specific folder/directory and its very tough to go through 'cd' command to get that direc...

ng is not recognized as an internal or external command [SOLVED]

ng is not recognized as an internal or external command [SOLVED]

Recently i was facing a trouble during installing angular-cli. whenever i install angular-cli and run command 'ng -v' or any other n...

Introduction to AJAX | asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Introduction to AJAX | asynchronous JavaScript and XML

In this blog post i am going to talk about AJAX.Probably you heard this line "AJAX makes page dynamic". We use AJAX for makin...

Programming languages for a web developer

Programming languages for a web developer

In this article i am going to tell you most popular programming languages that web developers use. some of them are integral part of we...